Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Nudist Camp Zombie Massacre

Another fine work of literary craftsmanship drug-addled Markov chains, or whatever other statistical gimmick they have bludgeoned into producing their insane verbiage:

From: "Crawford" <>
Subject: That includes people, pets, televisions, computer monitors, wall decorations, posters, windows, doorways, mirrors and any kind of distracting junk.

Our Nudist Camp Zombie Massacre, movie promotion!

Now I see why he needs an alibi...

P.S. Maybe he means this kind of camp...

Use discretion and good taste.

Because a Nudist Camp Zombie Massacre is the very epitome of good taste :)

View 12 of the superfriends as they journey to Hawaii, the Northwest and Utah to redefine the perfect line! The cost is minimal, and the results can be very rewarding.

Nothing tastes better than the brains of freshly massacred nudist campers.

Although some jealousy is natural, without an easy way to reassure yourself that all is indeed well, the feeling can eat you alive.

It isn't the feeling, it's the zombies!

Our kids are our students.
Meeting single people online has never been easier.

“Allow me to pick your brain, honey...”

Ask him what he likes to eat.

“Whatever's on your mind right now...”

This "assault rifle" is virtually identical to those issued to the United States military troops except it has a couple of improvements.

As recommented by the National Assault Rifle Association, Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency, Bear-Hunting Cripples Anonymous, and the Zombie Squad. And if you call in the next 30 minutes, we'll include a free pack of silver bullets so you can finish off those nasty werewolves and vampires as well.

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